.. meta:: :description: This chapter provides a quick start overview of the Django Meetup public website. :keywords: Django Meetup, quick installation, quick start, quickstart ************************************************** Quick Installation ************************************************** For those already comfortable with the process, this section provides a skeleton of the steps involved. Note, you would of course need to insert the name of your git repository when you see ****. Also, these steps use github's HTTPS cloning method (as opposed to SSH). If you prefer more detail, you can follow the full instructions in the subsequent sections. -------------------------------------------------- On Linux/Mac: ################################################## Download Project ================================================== Create your project directory: ``mkdir DjangoMeetup`` Change to project directory: ``cd DjangoMeetup`` Fork the project from: ``https://github.com/DjangoMeetup/public-website`` Clone the project: ``git clone https://github.com//public-website.git`` Add parent repo: ``git remote add upstream https://github.com/DjangoMeetup/public-website.git`` Virtual Environment ================================================== In the same directory, create a virtual environment: ``python -m venv env`` Activate your environment: ``source env/bin/activate`` Load Packages ================================================== Install packages: ``pip install requirements/dev.txt`` Migrate Database ================================================== Run migrations: ``python manage.py makemigrations`` Run migrate: ``python manage.py migrate`` Environment Variables ================================================== Create the environent file **.env** and add: :: DEBUG=True DOMAIN=localhost SECRET_KEY=-#^op)l91*7@$4qthsxjjs7dl1*-@1$l11^je_@@&3h9&ipe#w GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY= 6LexSoNNCCCCCEt_8VpyiaubPwb48LLq21wmp4Mr EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com EMAIL_HOST_USER=admin@djangomeetup.com EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=safeandsecure Change SECRET_KEY and GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY to your own keys Run Server ================================================== Start the server: ``python manage.py runserver`` -------------------------------------------------- On Windows ################################################## Windows commands are largely the same as for Linux and Macs. In fact, the differences become nearly negligible if you download and use the excellent command line tool `Git Bash `_ If you do use Git Bash, you'll have to include the source command when you activate the virtual environment, ie. ``source env/Sripts/activate``. However, if using the Windows command line tool, then users should bear these in mind: 1. you only need type ``py`` instead of the full ``python``. 2. you must use back slashes for command line file paths. 3. virtual environment activate folder is kept in a Scripts folder (vs bin for Linux\Mac) 4. virtual environment activation does not require the source command, ie. it will suffice to use ``env/Sripts/activate`` 5. file paths are not case sensitive. Here are the steps restated for Windows users: Download Project ================================================== Create your project directory: ``mkdir DjangoMeetup`` Change to project directory: ``cd DjangoMeetup`` Fork the project from: ``https://github.com/DjangoMeetup/public-website`` Clone the project: ``git clone https://github.com//public-website.git`` Add parent repo: ``git remote add upstream https://github.com/DjangoMeetup/public-website.git`` Virtual Environment ================================================== In the same directory, create a virtual environment: ``py -m venv env`` Activate your environment: ``env\scripts\activate`` Load Packages ================================================== Install packages: ``pip install requirements\dev.txt`` Migrate Database ================================================== Run migrations: ``py manage.py makemigrations`` Run migrate: ``py manage.py migrate`` Environment Variables ================================================== Create the environent file **.env** and add: :: DEBUG=True DOMAIN=localhost SECRET_KEY=-#^op)l91*7@$4qthsxjjs7dl1*-@1$l11^je_@@&3h9&ipe#w GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY= 6LexSoNNCCCCCEt_8VpyiaubPwb48LLq21wmp4Mr EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com EMAIL_HOST_USER=admin@djangomeetup.com EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=safeandsecure Change SECRET_KEY and GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY to your own keys Run Server ================================================== Start the server: ``py manage.py runserver``